Today a news report confirms an early-stage study suggesting that the psychedelic compound, Psilocybin, found in Magic Mushrooms, can be as effective at reducing symptoms of depression as other, more conventional pharmacological treatments. There are numerous favourable other studies on micro dosing of this particular mushroom. However, I am not suggesting you try this at home! This should be done with medical supervision. There are, however, numerous health benefits to be found in other edible mushrooms.
Coincidently, I recently had the pleasure of reviewing a fantastic new book ‘Medicinal Mushrooms: How Medicinal & Psychedelic Mushrooms Can Protect Body & Mind’. Written by Anthony Knight-Peters.
“This inspirational and well researched book explains in simple terms how medicinal mushrooms could help manage many of today’s diseases. A fantastic and really important health read”
Pamela Kingston. Naturopath & Phlebotomist
If you’d like to learn more about the medicinal power of mushrooms for supporting good mental health and prevention of many of today’s chronic illnesses and disease, I highly recommend getting a copy! Purchase it here: medicinal-mushroom-book.
Plus, get a 25% discount when you use the code PKINGS2020 on products on their website: